The Early Learning Suite, NetsourceELS, is a platform that assists states in the areas of licensing, compliance, professional development, quality rating and improvement.
The Early Learning Suite is the only integrated platform that supports Early Childhood Education. It is highly customizable to meet the unique needs of each state. It consists of the following modules:

Licensing & Compliance

This module provides a controlled workflow based platform for the licensing process for early childhood education facilities. The platform is designed to reduce the level effort required during the licensing process while providing a platform for monitoring and tracking. It includes tools to provide helpful information, submission of documents, scheduling and tracking visits.


Professional Development

This module provides a platform for the tracking of professional development for early learning professionals (Registry). It also manages both classroom-based and online eLearning courses. This module leverages the core capabilities of the NetsourceLX product but is designed specifically for the early learning setting. (Development Completed)

Professional Development

In addition to the above modules, this platform can provide information from center directors (via the Director Portal) and QRIS data on each center.

Desktop Computer

Customization & Integration

The strength of our platform is that it can be customized to meet the unique needs of each state and school district. Additionally, integration with on-premise existing systems can be leveraged using custom APIs.

Customization and Integration


NetsourceELS can be implemented very quickly without the need to purchase hardware and add additional burden on your internal IT team.

It runs on a secure, scalable and highly available platform that can grow with your needs.


Our professional services team can help you build these exceptional learning experiences by providing implementation support.

Customers also have access to our NetsourceStudio facilities where we build advanced elearning interactive content and simulations.

These services are provided by Netsource Interactive, a digital consulting firm and web incubator.


We work with a wide variety of systems integration firms and resellers.

Please contact us at [email protected] if you are interested in any partnership or reseller programs.

About Us

NetsourceELS is a product of Netsource Interactive, a digital consulting firm and web incubator based in Washington DC.

To learn more, go to the Netsource Interacive web site.

Netsource Interactive Logo
Made In DC

Contact Us

Phone: 202-670-1511